
Discord Rules

These rules will be applied in Discord server.

  1. Your Roblox username must be in your Discord nickname

This does not mean display name! Your name shall not contain special characters. In a holiday month, you may have 2 emojis relating to that holiday in your nickname.

  1. Be respectful

You must be respectful to all users in this discord. No bullying or offensive content.

  1. Avoid spamming

This means sending messages repeatedly with no reason, including @ mentions. This also applies to voice chat and rejoining VC repeatedly.

  1. No adult content

No inappropriate/NSFW content. This includes text, images, links, and voice chat.

  1. No Advertising

This includes sending invites to discord servers. Do not post messages your server is hiring (or anything similar), this is counting as avertising!

  1. Do not attempt to dox or scam, IP log, or phish members

Avoid posting links with link shorteners, malicious content as well as similar content. Do not leak private information. Do not request private information from a user.

  1. Do not encourage rule violations

Persuading people to break rules will result in equal moderation.

  1. Do not staff impersonate.

Avoid acting like staff and impersonating staff. This will result a kick.

  1. Please use support system for help

We will delete your help message if you request help in general / other chatting channels.

  1. Do not ping people that have Owner role

You will get time out 3 minutes if you do this. Thank you for participating.

In-game Rules

These following rules will be applied into the ERLC Roleplay server.

  1. Fail Roleplay

Do not host your own roleplay without being accepted by a staff member. This can result a kick.

  1. Vehicle Death Match

Do not VDM in the server without a reason. You can only VDM when it is related to a roleplay. This action will result a warning.

  1. Random Death Match

Do not RDM in the server with any reason. You can only RDM when it is related to a roleplay. This can result a warning.

  1. Staff Random Death Match

Avoid SRDM with any reason. You cannot RDM a staff member at any roleplay. This will result a kick. In case they are off duty, SDRM will not being applied.

  1. Towing Vehicle

Avoid towing parked vehicle / staff vehicle without a reason. This action will result a warning.

  1. Safe Zones

There are 3 safe zones in the server: River City Civilian Spawn, Spring Field Civilian Spawn and Gun Shop. These 3 locations will not being applied when RDM is related to a roleplay. This action will result a kick.

  1. Staff Impersonating

Do not impersonating staff in the server. This action will result an instant BAN

  1. Leave To Avoid Punishments

Avoid leaving when a staff member is moderating you. This will result a ban bolo in the server. In case you got a valid reason, you can appeal in ban appeal section.

  1. New Life Rule

When a roleplay requires NLR, you cannot heal dead people. You will receive a Verbal Warning when staff members haven't told the players, you will receive a kick when you continue if staff have told players.

  1. Realistic Avatar

You must have a realistic avatar in the server. You will be warned and loaded if you are having an unrealistic avatar.

Website Terms Of Service

1. All Website Data will be reset once the IP/ User leaves this website, only content that remains on this website is the User's Name & Comment.

2. If you find your Details being put on this website, please contact: for any other Personal information regarding Site data.
3. We Do not share Personal Content of any User's or Internal Processes; this website is Strictly to show General Knowledge of a Community Based Server.